

JIM GATES R.H.C.在亚太区的品牌与产品首发展即『GIFTIONERY TAIPEI 2018 on APRIL 19-22 │四月19-22日台北国际礼品展』。JIM GATES R.H.C.2018年度机能香氛产品『优雅女皇』,其独特的健康价值引领礼品朝向另一番非凡的思维!在展出期间不仅从2018国际礼品展官网https://www.giftionery.net/zh_TW/index.html可知JIM GATES R.H.C.在六百多个摊位中荣获首页六页精选商品之一的殊荣,其独特的机能香氛亦深受国内外买家的高度肯定与相关企业的下单合作。

The first Asia Pacific stop of exhibition for JIM GATES is GIFTIONERY TAIPEI 2018 on APRIL 19-22. JIM GATES R.H.C. with its annual launch, ROYAL QUEEN'S well known as the best functional perfume leads the unique healthy value to an unusual thought. During the exhibition, JIM GATES R.H.C. has been not only honored with the one of the 6 selections on the front page of GIFTIONERY TAIPEI 2018 Exhibition where you can get through the website: https://www.giftionery.net/zh_TW/index.html among more than 600 exhibitors, but also such a unique functional perfume, ROYAL QUEEN'S has been purchased by Taiwan and overseas buyers, including several big enterprises.