When we are touched by the scents of J NO.1 Eau de Parfum, the legend of J NO.1 Eau de Parfum constantly goes on its nobility by its connotations of refinement that we find quite meaningful! Right now, let's smile together to feel the love of J NO.1 Eau de Parfum, including goddess, goodness, harvest, abundance, culture, and sweet happiness through the scents of J NO.1 Eau de Parfum. Besides, as one of the functional perfumes of GOLDEN SOLUTE, J NO.1 Eau de Parfum would like to let us gain the answer about how it can magically last unique scents more than 12 hours with its relatively natural ingredients to achieve the Deluxe Body Perfume.
We can feel how meaningful J No.1 of JIM GATES R.H.C. it is to become the unique functional perfume as to the goddess Demeter of Greek Mythology. As a daughter of the dieties Cronus and Rhea, sister and consort of Zeus(the king of the gods), and goddess of agriculture, health, birth, and marriage, Demeter's name also indicates that she is a mother. Besides, a certain number of political and ethnic titles assigned to her win the laurels of victory symbolizing the joy of harvest.
British Deluxe Body Perfume Main Atmosphere: Goddess Demeter Sent Joyful Messages of an Abundant Harvest through J No.1 Eau de Parfum £ 150 | HK$1500.00 1.6 FL. OZ. For Ladies
British Official SDS Certifying Fine-fragrance Ingredients British Official SDS Certifying Body Perfume Certificate 300 Global Deluxe Limited Edition for Memorial Release Naural Perfume Lasting Scents > 12 Hours as Revolutionism
Based on the spiritual talk of J No.1 Eau de Parfum in London, such an easy guide to living a life we love naturally gets close to us right now! We can find it completely true that Oscar Wilde impressed us with his interesting quote "Nothing can cure the soul but the senses, just as nothing can cure the senses but the soul." indicating we had better focus on our funny mind. That's right because we have become much more free and more powerful to totally comprehend the abundant harvest of our mind following Demeter's spirit trait in the past but presenting our funny life right now! J No.1 Eau de Parfum hopes all women to lead a happy life beginning with any abundant fun. That's also the easiest way to enjoy easy and noble!
As one of the members of GOLDEN SOLUTE family, J No.1 Eau de Parfum wins the laurels this way as soon as we get to the fascination fragrances that smell sweet, noble and luxurious: For the top notes, initially we can detect the feelings of sweet harvests that Demeter would like to bless us, discovering the atmosphere of birth and health starts to say something interesting through the scents. Concerning the transfer to the heart notes, we carry on smiling owing to how elegant as well as strong we are to trust we can accomplish everything happily. For a while, when it comes to the long-lasting base notes, perception of fruity and woody scents aspiring us why not to innovate anything fun in an elegant and happy way just as easily as we enjoy our afternoon tea in London.